New Year’s reSOLUTIONS: Checking Off the List

Jaclyn Crawford Foresight, New Year's reSOLUTIONS 1 Comment

From conducting meetings in French to enjoying a week’s worth of yoga, Sixieme Managing Director Colleen Fahey balances professional and personal development goals in the new year.

Since Audio Branding is far more established in Europe than it is on these shores, a lot of my work is in teaching about the discipline itself and sharing the idea that you can enhance a brand by designing its unique sound/music, just as you can with graphics.

Besides the obvious ones, here are some of my goals for next year:

  1. This year, I spread the gospel of audio branding with global case histories. By the end of next year, I’d like to be using up 55 percent U.S.-Canada examples.
  2. This year, I was the primary contact point with the team in Paris. Next year, my goal is to have the U.S.-Paris relationship to be many to many. The multidisciplined Paris team has a uniquely collaborative work style, and I’d like the U.S. staff (and staff to be) to experience it. I’m hoping that at least two people from Chicago will spend time working in the Paris office, and would be delighted if a couple from Paris could work here.
  3. I’ve been writing a lot this year and speaking to small groups. One of my goals is to share this work with bigger audiences. And why not? How many marketing people can deliver a presentation you can dance to?
  4. This is a challenging one. This year, I’ve started meetings in French and ended up reverting to English. Next year, I’d like to complete a third of them in French.
  5. And my further goal is to do yoga five days a week. Even when I’m traveling!


Fahey_7-20-13-10Colleen Fahey is U.S. Managing Director of Sixieme Son, running the U.S. arm of a Paris-based audio branding firm.

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