One must fail to survive, and thus adapt to failing Let me be perfectly clear: You are going to fail. If you do not, you are not going to survive. Every business owner needs to push the envelope. We need to develop new products, new services, new partnerships and new delivery mechanisms. With innovation comes the harsh reality of failure. …
When Space Becomes Culture
How traditional businesses can build offices like the hottest Silicon Valley startups By Howard Ecker Silicon Valley and San Francisco aren’t the only urban centers that have office workspaces completely different than those that existed just a decade or two ago. Thanks to tech behemoths like Facebook and Google, companies around the U.S. are seeing a fundamental shift in workspace. …
From The Office: Issue 6 Reflection
Much like the features we have spoken with, we are constantly learning. Here is our reflection of putting together the latest edition of Forefront. Issue 6 came out last week, and we couldn’t be happier with the final product. In the midst of getting out this issue, we were learning a lot about the importance of communication, in and out …