Overheard in the Office: Avoiding Office “Drama”

Jaclyn Crawford Foresight, From the Forefront Office Leave a Comment

“We know we’ve had a good day when things run simple and smooth, just making checks off our to-do list.”

In a recent staff meeting, we discussed how we communicate to avoid issues. Here at Forefront, we like to keep our work organized, manageable and productive. The best way to do that is to avoid in-office drama that could take us away from the tasks at hand. As a staff, we have rallied around issues and solved them quickly by brainstorming and involving everyone.

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We also try to give useful feedback to one another on a rolling basis, to get issues out of the way and keep each other accountable. This creates a work environment that is comfortable for us and efficient, we are constantly improving as a staff. Our advice is to focus on your to-do list and rely on your co-workers for support in your daily goals, not the opposite.

We realize this may not be the case in some offices, where teams may work against each other and not with each other, or appropriate feedback is not given.  What advice do you have for dealing with these issues?

Comments, thoughts, feedback?