What Success Looks Like: A Sunny Saturday

Jaclyn Crawford Foresight, From the Forefront Office, What Success Looks Like Leave a Comment

A day free of responsibilities is a sign of success for Forefront’s editorial director.

Success, to me, looks like a sunny summer Saturday—whether one with plans you’ve been looking forward to for weeks, or one with no set agenda.

Either way, you’ve tackled a week’s worth of to-dos, taking care of day-to-day responsibilities and chipping away at bigger-picture efforts. Having given your best throughout the week and made a plan for that to follow, you can feel good about your accomplishments and let work take (and keep) a backseat, mentally and physically, for at least this one day.

CaitPhotoThis sunny summer Saturday is yours to enjoy. Perhaps you opt to sleep in, go for a jog around the neighborhood and enjoy drinks on a patio with friends. Maybe you visit a museum during the day, then have your family over for dinner or game night. You might attend religious services or volunteer, go shopping or take in a baseball game… Whatever activity or combination of activities you need or crave at that time.

The same way we pour our whole selves into our work, we must remember to regularly carve out time to pour our whole selves into just that—our whole selves. And for having invested dedicated time in maintaining your mental health, physical well-being and social life, you will return to the office, coffee shop, drawing board—wherever it is you work your professional magic—reinvigorated and a more creative, focused and successful professional self.


Caitlin Cunningham is Editorial Director of Forefront magazine, read her bio here

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