New Year’s reSOLUTIONS: Let’s Make a Memory

Diane Adams Foresight, New Year's reSOLUTIONS Leave a Comment

With inspiration from Bon Jovi, Qlik’s Diane Adams resolves to do more of what she loves in the year ahead

By Diane Adams

How fun to be prompted to start my New Year’s resolutions early this year. And when I say “fun,” I really do mean fun!

You see, my friends would say I’m a little obsessive when it comes to New Year’s resolutions, as I’ve written and saved my resolutions since I was 23 (and I’m not about to say how many years ago that is).

shutterstock_162131621So, what could possibly be exciting about writing New Year’s resolutions? It’s exciting because these resolutions represent my way of ensuring that I live my life intentionally, fully embracing its beauty and living with no regrets. Staying balanced and strong is important for me, so I create my goals in four categories: intellectual, emotional, spiritual and physical.

Did I mention there is a theme every year? I settle on a theme following lots of reflection, of course, from the previous year. The theme for 2014 was “Simplify,” and I’m thrilled to say that I made tremendous progress, making much more room in my life to make a difference and create memorable experiences for others.

For 2015, my theme is ”Let’s Make a Memory.” Yes, Bon Jovi may have conjured up the visual; it came to me in a nanosecond as I reflected on a year of incredible highs (with just enough challenges thrown in along the way), my desire to do more of what I love, and to continue creating memorable experiences for others.

This year, I’m clear: I want to create those memories and experiences that I’ve been thinking about but not made happen because life just got a little too complicated. At the end of 2015, be sure to ask me…

  • How awesome our family vacations were, made even more special by Mom and Dad (who had a tough year with his health) joining us;
  • About the unconventional field trips I took my beautiful new grandsons on to teach them the joy of learning, laughter and adventure;
  • How it felt to complete the six Shutterfly photo albums of special times for special people;
  • How much our Qlik team members enjoyed the newly launched creative programs designed to make the company an even greater place to work;
  • All I’ve learned about publishing my first book on how to build a great company culture, scheduled to be released in the spring;
  • About how magical the NC JDRF Gala was, and how much closer we got to a cure for type 1 Diabetes; and
  • How great it was to make time for family, friends and “downtime” to simply cherish the moment.

Here’s to 2015, and each of us making unforgettable memories! ♦


Diane Adams is Chief People Officer at Qlik. She will be featured in an upcoming issue of Forefront magazine.

Diane Adams

Diane Adams is Chief People Officer at Qlik.

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