The Forefront Blog

Jaclyn Crawford Foresight, From the Forefront Office Leave a Comment

This project in the works, becomes a reality providing professional growth and development content  Readers, After mentioning the idea of starting a blog earlier this year, our dreams have become a reality. This has been put together through a collaboration of staff and guests who are dedicated to bringing helpful resources and new ideas to our readers. In planning, designing …

From the Editors – March/April 2013

Forefront Editorial Team Finance, Human Resources, Issue 04 - March/April 2013, Legal, Marketing & Sales, Operations Leave a Comment

Hello again, readers — Spring is quickly approaching, and with that comes the fourth edition of Forefront. The new year brought new goals and challenges, and with the new season, we hope readers continue to find inspiration in the stories of the business professionals profiled within our pages. In this issue, we proudly feature eight professionals in wide-ranging lines of …

Creating Success – Steve Milovich, SVP of Global HR, Talent & Workforce Diversity for Disney-ABC Television Group

Stephanie Harris Human Resources, Issue 04 - March/April 2013 Leave a Comment

An imagineer in his own right, Steve Milovich, Senior Vice President of Global Human Resources, Talent & Workforce Diversity for Disney-ABC Television Group, puts his creativity to use in developing and implementing innovative HR programs.

From the Editors – Jan/Feb 2013

Forefront Editorial Team Finance, Human Resources, Issue 03 - Jan/Feb 2013, Legal, Operations Leave a Comment

Happy new year, readers! This is an important milestone for everyone, including Forefront. 2013 marks a year where all economic indicators should be improving—from unemployment numbers to property prices to GDP. The beginning of 2013 also marks our third issue of Forefront. After reading issues No. 2 and 3, it is our sincere hope you are enjoying the content, and …

Moving On Up – The Art of Becoming a Director

randimorrison Issue 03 - Jan/Feb 2013, Legal, Operations 1 Comment

By Randi Morrison & Broc Romanek of The Holy Grail: Becoming a director. Meeting half a dozen times a year; sometimes in exotic locales. Earning a quarter million at larger companies. Many seasoned general counsels start thinking about the next stage of their career as they swiftly move through middle age. And becoming a director somewhere is a common …

Turning Outside Counsel In – Two Legal Veterans Discuss Their Transition Experience and Takeaways

Forefront Editorial Team Issue 03 - Jan/Feb 2013, Legal Leave a Comment

Two legal veterans discuss their transition experience and takeaways. How did you make the transition from being outside to in-house counsel? What were your initial thoughts? [columns][/columns] What advice would you offer legal professionals considering making the outside to in-house switch, or vice versa? [columns][/columns]