Five steps for taking control of your financial future. 2014 is the year to take control of your finances. This is not the typical “lose 20 pounds” or “change my life” sort of New Year’s resolution, but taking control of your finances has powerful ramifications. It can lead to a secure financial future. And it will make you happier. Follow …
Making Footprints – Mike Williams, VP of HR at Trinity Industries
Trinity Industries HR VP Mike Williams supports—and has worked on—the front lines who deliver the bottom line.
Global Change Agent – Anthony Fogel, CHRO of Ciber Inc.
Anthony Fogel, CHRO of Ciber Inc., spearheads far-reaching initiatives with fire and flexibility.
The Psychology of Innovation – Robert Vipperman, SVP, HR & Innovation at Alex Lee, Inc.
Robert Vipperman draws on his executive coaching experience to lead Alex Lee’s HR and Innovation teams with a centered and balanced approach.
The Perfect Storm – Richard Maranville, CIO at The Freeman Company
CIO & EVP Richard Maranville of Freeman Co. shares his secrets for keeping employees and customers happy.
Hearing Opportunity Knock – Gavin O’Connor, General Counsel at General Nutrition Centers (GNC)
GNC’s Gavin O’Connor, Esq., answers the call.
Man on the Move – Joe Tomasulo, CFO at Digitas and Razorfish
Digitas CFO Joseph Tomasulo’s journey from accounting to M&A (and Springsteen cover band).